Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A note from Donna...

Well, as you all know, I have breast cancer and tomorrow is the big day for my surgery. It has been a very emotional month for me; finding out I have breast cancer, then going through a bone scan and CAT scan and the uncertainty that comes with the big "C".

This is what I know for sure:

This is a journey and God will see me through it
I have a wonderful supportive husband who loves me unconditionally - even without boobs!
I have support and love from my family and friends who are all praying for me
The bone scan and CAT scan were clean - Thank You God
My perspective about life has definitely changed - for the better
I had the most awesome prayer time with my pastor today and I am at peace

So now I will take another step into my journey with breast cancer and tomorrow I will be "Flat As A Board" - I think Boobs are so over-rated anyway!

God Bless Y'all

1 comment:

CarlaLar said...

Hi Aunt Donna,

Boobs ARE overrated! You are in my thoughts and prayers :)
